...at least not the only one. Transforming your mindset takes more than journal prompts and daily meditation. It involves deep self-reflection and hard conversations…
with your friends.
with your loved ones.
with your bosses.
with your coaches.
with yourself.
It is not fun to confront those behaviors, patterns, triggers, and limiting beliefs that keep you traveling in a circle of self-fulfilling prophecies. I should know—I spent the last three years unraveling all those parts of myself, and I’m still continuing to do so.
Because transforming your mindset takes more than a month to do. It takes lifelong, daily practice—especially when you, like me, are also living with depression, anxiety or another mental health condition. There will always be something old that crops up, in a new way, in a different way, that you will have to once again adapt and reframe—and fight yourself to do. And while journaling and meditation are two tools to help you get there, if you use these tools to keep you in your comfort zone and to affirm the mindset you’re trying to change, then nothing will stick.
It’s about finding that balance between grace and discomfort. It’s about honesty, authenticity, and illuminating those deep, dark beliefs that drive everything we do.
It’s about understanding how mental health plays a role in your self-perception. It’s about disentangling those toxic messages you’ve received from the ideal version of yourself you’re working to achieve.
To shift your mindset, you must to be comfortable with getting uncomfortable. Because… IT IS UNCOMFORTABLE.
And you can do it.